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  NSiS home page  NSiS Website
Overall site tidying and updating of links.
If you are using IE 3.x or Netscape 4.x and the site doesn't look very good, it's the result of bugs in your browser which I've tried to work around to a degree.
PICS tags
The site now has PICS tags indicating the site is safe for kids for those who have wanted to access it from locations that use filtering software.

  Birds Menu  Birds
Nectar Plants for Hummingbirds and Nectar Plant Families for Hummingbirds
Charts of native plants that attract hummingbirds.
Annual Florida Bird Events
Annotated list of events around the state, with links to the event sites.
Ivory-billed Woodpecker: Confirmed Sightings
Includes links to the announcement and related sites.
Bird and Wildlife Cams
Links to cams, many in Florida.
The FWC and Feral Cats
What's going on (sorta) and links to more info.
Banded Mourning Doves
Dove and banding research program.
Bird News
Recurring events and older news.
News of Note
ENS: Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers Find Haven in Florida
The Florida National Guard's habitat-readiness mission at Camp Blanding to help the endangered bird. (November 12, 2002)
ENN: Whooping Crane Recovery Spreads New Wings
First whooping crane since 1939 born in the wild in the United States that can fly on its own. The chick was hatched and reared in a marsh in Leesburg, Florida. (June 14, 2002)

  Book Menu  Books
Ivory-billed Woodpeckers
A selection of books about the elusive bird.
Seasons of Real Florida
Another great read by Jeff Klinkenberg.

  Butterfly Menu  Butterflies
Low Allergen Gardening with Florida's Native Plants
Butterfly gardening is a possibility for those with pollen allergies.
Nectar Plant Families and Host Plant Families
Replaced the lists with charts that includes wildlife use, region, and plant type. News of Note
Daytona Beach News-Journal: Florida's Butterflies Threatened by Changing Ecosystem
Habitat changes are threatening at least 10% of the state's resident species. (September 22, 2002)
E/The Environmental Magazine: The Beach Lady
MaVynee Betsch of South Amelia Island convinced the local mosquito control board to install bat houses to help control the insects because the pesticides also killed the butterflies. (May/June 1996)

  Disasters Menu  Disasters
  News of Note
MSNBC: Fire Fight: The New Battle to Protect US Wild Land
How human intervention has increased the likelihood and severity of wildfires and possible solutions. Includes articles, video, a slide show, and a quiz to determine if your property is safe.
FloridaEnvironment.com: Florida Wildfires and the La Nina Effect
The link between the average temperatures in the Pacific ocean and wildfire activity in Florida. (February 21, 2000)

  Gallery Menu  Gallery
Trumpet Vine Photographs
Also includes a profile of the plant.
Firebush Photographs
Updated to include a profile of firebush and a photograph of non-native dwarf firebush.

  Native Plants Menu  Native Plants/Gardening
Nectar Plants for Hummingbirds and Nectar Plant Families for Hummingbirds
Charts of native plants that attract hummingbirds.
Florida Native Plant Families, Nectar Plant Families, and Host Plant Families
Replaced the lists with charts that includes wildlife use, region, and plant type.
Low Allergen Gardening with Florida's Native Plants
Gardening tips for those with pollen and mold allergies.
Certification Programs for Florida's Backyard Habitats
List of programs available, with overviews and links. Includes information about Florida communities working toward certification.
Pemberton and Pratt
Meet two entomologists searching for a way to rid us of invasive skunk vine.
News of Note
E/The Environmental Magazine: The Orchid Thieves: America's Parks are the Scene of the Crime for Plant Theft
Includes problems at several of Florida's parks. (Jul/Aug 2002)

  Weather Menu  Weather
Updated the weather section.
Added some new links, such as Dr. Gray's summary of the 2004 hurricane season.
UIC Lightning Injury Research Program
Information for survivors of lightning strike and the physicians who treat them, resources for those planning outdoor events.
Lightning Strike & Electric Shock Survivors International
Non-profit support group by and for survivors, their families, and other interested parties.
News of Note
The Tropical Meteorology Project: Dr. Gray's Forecasts
Extended range forecasts for the 2003 season and summary of the 2002 hurricane season. (Nov/Dec 2002)

  Wildlife Menu  Wildlife
Annual Florida Bird Events
Annotated list of bird and wildlife events around the state, with links to the event sites.
The FWC and Feral Cats
What's going on (sorta) and links to more information.
News of Note
Everglades Shenanigans
As reported by Gristmill Magazine: Swamp Bling, US News and World Report: A Real Swampy Deal, and Bloomberg: Bush Administration Overvalued Florida Land Rights, Report Says (June 8, 2005)
ENN: Florida Seeks to Restrict Phone Cables Near Coral Reefs
The state cabinet has approved the preliminary request but telecomm companies aren't happy. (December 12, 2002)
E/The Environmental Magazine: Poisoning Frogs: Are People Next?
Despite research that links the pesticide atrazine to sexual mutations in frogs, the EPA is considering a three- to four-fold increase for atrazine standards in drinking water. (Nov/Dec 2002)
ENN: Animal Park Owner Pleads Guilty to Charge of Trafficking Exotic Animals
Timothy Dale Rivers, originally charged with a felony violation of federal wildlife protection law, pleads guilty to lesser charge. He and others bought and killed tigers, leopards, snow leopards, lions, mountain lions, cougars, and black bears to produce meat and skins for the animal-parts trade. (August 15, 2002)
E/The Environmental Magazine: Going, Going... Exotic Species are Decimating America's Native Wildlife
Includes the threat of free-roaming pets and feral cats to the endangered Key Largo cotton mouse and the endangered Lower Keys marsh rabbit. (May/June 2002)
ENS: Florida Creates Rhode Island Size Wildlife Corridor
The Nature Conservancy negotiated a deal to acquire over 50,000 acres of the Pinhook Swamp, linking the 157,000 acres of Osceola National Forest to the south with the 400,000 acres of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge to the north. (March 13, 2001)

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